Simplify Your Extension Analysis

Access premium features now! Subscribe and get started right away!

  • Conduct an advanced search on a specific Chrome extension
  • Get access to the older and previous versions of an extension
  • Check what’s new and what’s changed by inspecting the source code
  • Convert CRX file to ZIP file for easy access and storage
  • Get detailed and in-depth data on the extension statistics
  • Download the entire statistical data to a CSV file for precise analysis
  • Get a side-by-side comparison of your favourite extensions
What is the CRX Insider website about?
CRX Insider website provides important stats and data about Google Chrome extensions. It also allows you to download these extensions.
What are the different types of statistical data available on the CRX Insider website?
You can view important statistics on the CRX insider website, such as the extension rank, user count, category rank, extension added/ removed and many more.
Can I view the extension ratings and reviews on CRX Insider?
Yes! You can view the extension ratings and reviews on the CRX Insider website.
How can I download an extension from the CRX Insider website?
You can download an extension by visiting the extension page on CRX Insider and clicking on the Download CRX File/ Download ZIP file option.
Can I get access to the older version of an extension from CRX Insider?
Yes! On CRX Insider, you can access older versions of an extension and download the version that best suits your needs.
Do I need to pay for the premium features on the CRX Insider website?
Yes, you need to pay for the premium features on the CRX Insider website.
Do I need to log in before downloading an extension from CRX Insider?
Yes, before you can download an extension from the CRX Insider website, you need to log in or sign up.
How can I reach the CRX Insider website admin in case of any queries?
If you have any queries or suggestions, you can reach out to the CRX Insider admin by visiting the Contact Us page or write to us at
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