Midpage | AI overlays for case law
Just hover over any citation to use Generative AI for summaries, questions, tags, etc. Supports all legal research platforms.
What is Midpage | AI overlays for case law?
Just hover over any citation to use Generative AI for summaries, questions, tags, etc. Supports all legal research platforms..
This is the extension for you if you . . .
1. . . . do a lot of legal research on sites like Westlaw, Lexis, or Casetext, etc.*
2. . . . know what it means to open too many tabs of cases while researching
3. . . . would like to make your legal research experience a more organized
4. . . . want to use a legal tech tool that actually feels slick and fast
How does it work?
1. Install it in two clicks.
2. Conduct legal research as you normally would on the research platform of your choosing.
3. When reading an opinion, you’ll see citations highlighted in gray.
4. Hover on one to open a Portal.
5. Read a sneak preview that summarizes the outcome of that cited case.
6. Ask questions, add tags, read the full text of the case, and even compare it to your own.
*midpage has no affiliation with any of these entities and uses its own data.
Learn more: https://www.midpage.ai/portals
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HOW TO INSTALL Midpage | AI overlays for case law FROM A CRX FILE
- Download Midpage | AI overlays for case law CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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