Shopping & Tracking for AliExpress
Compare prices, track your orders, get exclusive discounts, receive notifications of new messages and don't miss any promotion!
What is Shopping & Tracking for AliExpress?
Compare prices, track your orders, get exclusive discounts, receive notifications of new messages and don't miss any promotion!.
AliExpress in just one click! Receive notifications of new messages directly in Google Chrome and don't miss any promotion!
- Compare prices;
- Track your orders;
- Get exclusive discounts;
- Search anywhere for products;
- Receive notifications about promotions;
- See similar products to compare prices;
- See products that match what you like;
- Receive notifications of new messages;
Search instantly and shop easily on AliExpress, the world's biggest online marketing place!
One of the most downloaded apps from the Windows Store now in Google Chrome.
* This extension uses the following affiliate programs: AliExpress, Amazon, Banggood and Shopee. By installing and using it, you agree to replace the links on these sites with affiliate links.
* Affiliate links do not generate any additional cost to the user.
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HOW TO INSTALL Shopping & Tracking for AliExpress FROM A CRX FILE
- Download Shopping & Tracking for AliExpress CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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