AI Content Detector - Copyleaks
Verify what content was written by a human or an AI chatbot with the AI Content Detector browser extension from Copyleaks.
What is AI Content Detector - Copyleaks?
Verify what content was written by a human or an AI chatbot with the AI Content Detector browser extension from Copyleaks..
With the award-winning AI Detector, you can quickly and accurately determine what was written by a human and what was AI-generated, even if the AI text was paraphrased or interspersed with human-written content.
Browse with confidence and verify the authenticity of your assignments and writings, social media posts, news articles, and even reviews on your favorite shopping sites. The possibilities are endless.
➤ How it works
Since 2015, our technology has collected, ingested, and analyzed trillions of crawled and user-sourced content pages from thousands of universities and enterprises worldwide to train our models to understand the patterns of human writing. Utilizing AI technology, our AI Detector can accurately recognize the presence of other AI-generated text and the signals it leaves behind, adding an additional layer of accuracy.
We continually test our AI model and retrain it with new data and feedback, helping to improve accuracy. Accordingly, the chance for content written by a human to be falsely labeled as AI-generated content is 0.2%.
➤ AI Detector key features:
➤ Get more from the AI Detector
A subscription gets you everything available in the free version, plus many additional features designed to help ensure complete content integrity:
➤ Using the Copyleaks AI Detector Extension is easy, and installation takes mere seconds:
✅ Click ‘Add to Chrome’
✅ Click on the extensions icon, and pin the AI Content Detector Extension to the extensions bar
✅ Login via Google or Facebook
✅ Start using the AI Content Detector Extension anywhere your internet browsing may take you by highlighting the text you want to verify and then clicking the extension icon
➤ Enjoying the Copyleaks AI Detector? Please rate us!
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HOW TO INSTALL AI Content Detector - Copyleaks FROM A CRX FILE
- Download AI Content Detector - Copyleaks CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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