IDiscountsCode Coupons & Deals
Finds coupons automatically for the sites you shop at and gives you single click access to the best online deals from IDC.
What is IDiscountsCode Coupons & Deals?
Finds coupons automatically for the sites you shop at and gives you single click access to the best online deals from IDC..
Get the latest working coupons and handles a single click when shopping on-line, with this efficient, nonintrusive and lightweight extension from, the fastest growing network for coupons and deals.
When you shop, the IDC Coupons & Deals extension taps in to the extensive coupon database to discover coupon codes for your order.
You can also access the hottest and exclusive coupons that are featured on the homepage, or if you are looking for something specific, you can use the search feature to find coupons and other deals by store or brand name.
You can also access the hottest and exclusive coupons that are featured on the homepage, or if you are searching for something different, it is possible to use the search feature to find coupons and other deals by store or brand.
IDC is the platform which provides discount on many products which are famous or new in the internet market. IDC register on March 30, 2011 from past 3 year we are giving our best to our customers.
In the past 3 year IDC stable there user plus many new company contact with IDC to add their product deals. Also the most famous Store coupon codes are available and check all the deal which is unavailable they remove that deals, also add new deal instantly.
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HOW TO INSTALL IDiscountsCode Coupons & Deals FROM A CRX FILE
- Download IDiscountsCode Coupons & Deals CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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