Find Emails on Websites and Social Networks
Find prospects instantly right from your browser on any social platform.
What is Find Emails on Websites and Social Networks?
Find prospects instantly right from your browser on any social platform..
Find emails from your browser on Social Networks
✓ Find the email addresses of decision makers in millions of companies worldwide. It’s a must use tool for Sales Development Executives, Marketers and Recruiters. It’s been rated as one of the most accurate tools by Ahrefs with a 92% accuracy rate according to their test.
✓ Use Find That Email to create your prospect list for Sales Outreach or use it for cold outreach for partnerships and marketing efforts.
✓ Recruiters use Find That Email to headhunt potential talent. Small startups use it to find contacts of reports, bloggers and PR professionals.
✓ How to start using Find That Email
Install the Chrome Extension
Visit Social Networks to find contact information
✓Find That Email Chrome Extension’s Features
Find People’s Email Address
Every account starts with 50 free credits which means you can find 50 email addresses for free.
People’s Names
Job Titles
Confidence Score - How confident we are about the authenticity of the email address
Find 100 emails in a matter of two minutes
Find That Email has other features as well.
✓ Email Verification.
Using big data, we sift through millions of records in seconds. Our verification tool is one of the most accurate and saves marketing teams countless hours. You can avoid bad emails and protect your sender reputation.
✓ Bulk Search
If you have a big list of names and their company domain. You can Upload a list of people and we will notify you when the emails are ready.
✓ Integrations
Sync contacts with top CRM Tools like Salesforce, MailChimp, Zoho CRM, PipeDrive and more.
✓ Find exactly what you're looking for
We are big on Data accuracy. We never use public data sources or guess emails. Our engines are constantly fed new sources and automatically remove false records.
✓ New Chrome Extension Features
Search in Background Feature : You don’t have to wait to find email addresses anymore, you can choose to search in the background
Find your daily use in the chrome extension
Find the remaining credits you have on the extension
Export out Job Titles and Company Name and download it to a CSV
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HOW TO INSTALL Find Emails on Websites and Social Networks FROM A CRX FILE
- Download Find Emails on Websites and Social Networks CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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