
Pricify Variants Importer

We run a Shopify App to help merchants to watch over their competitors (https://apps.shopify.com/pricify-1, NOTE: it doesn't have…

Publisher: GJ Price Tracker


What is Pricify Variants Importer?

We run a Shopify App to help merchants to watch over their competitors (https://apps.shopify.com/pricify-1, NOTE: it doesn't have….


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We run a Shopify App to help merchants to watch over their competitors (https://apps.shopify.com/pricify-1, NOTE: it doesn't have "Official URL" apart from it)

In our app users (merchants) import their products and after that they add competitor products via links. So for every product they see a list of competitors with their prices. It gives our users perspective regarding their pricing: whether it is too cheap, too expensive and so on.

Sometimes our users need to watch variants of competitor products: lets say not just a mug, but a green mug and a blue mug. To specify it, having a link is usually not enough. This is where this Chrome Extension comes into play.

In general the flow is following:
1) User installs our app (https://apps.shopify.com/pricify-1) on their Shopify store, imports their products and adds competitors via links.
2) User installs this Chrome Extension.
3) In their competitor settings user clicks a link to their competitor with provided additional params for this extension to get activated.
4) After going to the competitor product page this extension activates special additional interface in the page where the user can specify needed competitors.
5) Success. Variants are added and can be monitored.

Account to TEST it:

entry page: https://accounts.shopify.com/login
login/pass: joeyglowytest@gmail.com/passQW1234
link after enter: https://admin.shopify.com/store/super-unique-test-store/apps/pricify-5 — the App

Test flow after you log in:
1) Click "SomeCoffee" - you will go on the product page
2) Click Settings icon next to "manateecoffee.com" - you will get into "Competitor settings"
3) Click "Enable variants" - "Click _here_ to add all variants" text will appear
4) Click "here" in the appeared text from above - you will get on the competitor page with params and Current Extension should appear in the left column
5) Click "2 lb. Whole Bean" variant for example - settings in the extension's column will change
6) Click "Save and close" - the page will be closed, you will get back into competitor settings in our app
7) Below "Click _here_ to add all variants" new variants will appear
8) You can also click "Ok" in "Competitor settings" and after some time these variants will also appear in the table with updated prices. That's all!


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The latest version of Pricify Variants Importer is available on the Chrome web and is currently being used by 0 active users. The initial version was launched on 2024-10-27.

Total Downloads:  0(Downloads from CRX Insider)

HOW TO INSTALL Pricify Variants Importer FROM A CRX FILE

  1. Download Pricify Variants Importer CRX file
  2. NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
  3. In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable Developer mode
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