
Hide Comments Everywhere

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Block comments across the web. Show the ones you want. You're in control!

4.57 (44)
Publisher: Grant Winney


What is Hide Comments Everywhere?

Block comments across the web. Show the ones you want. You're in control!.


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Hide comments across the web, including (but not limited to) Disqus, YouTube, news sites and forums, etc. (See the note below on Facebook.) USAGE This addon checks whether it should allow or block comments for a website, based on a combination of sites in a list, sites you've chosen to allow comments on, as well as a personal whitelist (always allow comments) and blacklist (always block comments) that you can define on the Options page. Your personal lists and other settings use synchronized storage, so they should be available on any machine you've installed the extension on and have logged into the same account with. Click on the icon in the toolbar and press the "toggle" button to toggle enabling/disabling (temporarily, if you choose) the comments on a single domain. (Note: Some sites like Facebook and Instagram use identifiers and class names that change frequently; it's difficult to account for them, so I've stopped trying. I suggest checking out addons specifically written for those sites, like Fluff Busting Purity for Facebook or Antigram for Instagram. I'm not sure if either blocks comments, but at least you can cut out a lot of time-sucking distractions.) PERMISSIONS You'll be notified that it can "read and change all your data on the websites you visit" because that's how it works - it hides certain comment-related elements on the page so you don't see them. CONTRIBUTING If you notice a commenting system that could be added (blocked), open an issue (see "support" link). Include the website where you noticed it, and I'll try to follow-up as time permits. Additionally, if you're comfortable with regex and html/css, you could just create a pull request against the file that defines which sites and html elements are blocked, here: https://github.com/grantwinney/hide-comments-everywhere/blob/master/sites/sites.json NEED HELP? Have a question, comment or request? Open a new issue (see "support" link) with as many details as possible. The more you let me know upfront, the less I'll have to ask later!

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The latest version of Hide Comments Everywhere is available on the Chrome web and is currently being used by 2,000 active users. The initial version was launched on 2019-12-08.

Total Downloads:  0(Downloads from CRX Insider)

HOW TO INSTALL Hide Comments Everywhere FROM A CRX FILE

  1. Download Hide Comments Everywhere CRX file
  2. NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
  3. In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable Developer mode
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