
Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB

Find tech talent’s personal emails, tech skills ranking, and other info. For LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Stack Overflow

5.00 (11)
Publisher: developerDB


What is Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB?

Find tech talent’s personal emails, tech skills ranking, and other info. For LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Stack Overflow.


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Find more than just PERSONAL emails of IT workers. Get personal emails, Tech Skills Ranking, social media, work history and more. Works great on LinkedIn. For a typical search, we have personal emails on 60%+ of LinkedIn tech talent profiles. We are even better on GitHub and Stack Overflow. Not only can you find personal emails of tech talent, the Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB can also tell you if they are good at certain technology with our Tech Skill Rankings. It also includes social media URLs and work information on over 15 million developers and other tech workers. It works on social sites like GitHub, LinkedIn, Stack Overflow, Twitter, Facebook etc. PERSONAL EMAILS Unlike other email finders that display business emails, recruiters prefer personal emails so our Extension mostly finds personal emails. Personal emails are valid much longer than business emails so you can store them in your own database. NO CLICKING REQUIRED We will tell you if we have the contact information without you having to click on the Extension. When you are on a social media profile page, if our developerDB Chrome Extension icon turns from black to blue, that means we have information on that profile. - Hard to Find Developers’ personal emails - Improved response rate: Contact candidates multiple times results in 3X response rate - Tech Ranking of GitHub & Stack Overflow users - Unlimited searches - Diversity search See a possible candidate on LinkedIn, GitHub, Stack Overflow: get their personal emails and see how they rank vs everyone else on GitHub and Stack Overflow. And every unlocked profile is stored in your account history for easy lookup. REGISTER FOR FREE ACCOUNT You will need a developerdb account to get started. You can register for a free account at developerdb.com

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The latest version of Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB is available on the Chrome web and is currently being used by 794 active users. The initial version was launched on 2020-04-02.

Total Downloads:  0(Downloads from CRX Insider)

HOW TO INSTALL Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB FROM A CRX FILE

  1. Download Tech Recruiting Email Finder by developerDB CRX file
  2. NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
  3. In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable Developer mode
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